Here's what we should do.
It's simple:List down 5 of the products from the list below that you are boycotting, and then list down 5 of the products that you will try your best to boycott, and finally list another 5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott, and tag 5 others.This tag is to get everyone to read the list below carefully and identify which products affects your life and the lives of the Palestinians most!
You can also compare your list with your friends and see : if they can boycott one product that you haven't been boycotting, why can't you start to boycott the product too?
5 products i'm boycotting (Allahuakbar! ):
1. Mcd, KFC, Pizza Hut dan segala adik beradik mereka
2. Coca-cola, F&N,Fanta, n sepupu sepapat yg lain (byk alternatif lain skrg)
3. Nestle (wlpon nestle punye product sgtlah best...kite cr alternatif lain juge)
4. Cadbury (tp musykil bile ade yg kate cadbury tak msk list...kene kaji balik~)
5. Heinz (sos, mayonese, etc)
5 products i will start to boycott (inshaAllah) :
1. Body shop (bru tau die kepunyaan dah terbeli aritu...isk!)
2. Maggi (tiada mee segera lain yg lebih sedap dr megi kan?)
3. Halls (ni lah peneman setia dikala mengantuk di kelas)
4. ~
5. ~
5 products that i find hard to boycott (astaghfirullaah) :
1. Nokia (tgh berkira-kira utk beli sony bkn masa terdekat sbb xde kepentingan sgt)
2. Intel
3. Adidas (suke pkai jam adidas, beg, etc..sbb macho n best...aishhhh...)
4. Hewlett Packard (hp)
5. Uniliver (camnie ke ejaan die?mcm salah~~vaseline tergolong kan, tu la susah sket..)
It's simple:List down 5 of the products from the list below that you are boycotting, and then list down 5 of the products that you will try your best to boycott, and finally list another 5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott, and tag 5 others.This tag is to get everyone to read the list below carefully and identify which products affects your life and the lives of the Palestinians most!
You can also compare your list with your friends and see : if they can boycott one product that you haven't been boycotting, why can't you start to boycott the product too?
5 products i'm boycotting (Allahuakbar! ):
1. Mcd, KFC, Pizza Hut dan segala adik beradik mereka
2. Coca-cola, F&N,Fanta, n sepupu sepapat yg lain (byk alternatif lain skrg)
3. Nestle (wlpon nestle punye product sgtlah best...kite cr alternatif lain juge)
4. Cadbury (tp musykil bile ade yg kate cadbury tak msk list...kene kaji balik~)
5. Heinz (sos, mayonese, etc)
5 products i will start to boycott (inshaAllah) :
1. Body shop (bru tau die kepunyaan dah terbeli aritu...isk!)
2. Maggi (tiada mee segera lain yg lebih sedap dr megi kan?)
3. Halls (ni lah peneman setia dikala mengantuk di kelas)
4. ~
5. ~
5 products that i find hard to boycott (astaghfirullaah) :
1. Nokia (tgh berkira-kira utk beli sony bkn masa terdekat sbb xde kepentingan sgt)
2. Intel
3. Adidas (suke pkai jam adidas, beg, etc..sbb macho n best...aishhhh...)
4. Hewlett Packard (hp)
5. Uniliver (camnie ke ejaan die?mcm salah~~vaseline tergolong kan, tu la susah sket..)
Tak berniat utk menurunkan tagged kpd manusia lain secara specific.Kalau berminat, amat dialukan. Sekian.
signifikasi sensitiviti umat islam terhadap isu Palestine..
jadikan boikot amalan harian.
sokong boikot israel dan skutunya!
jom boikot~!!
adidas boikot ek?
dgr2 nike jer..x sure...
truskan usaha chep!!
yeah chepu..teman bodyshop ku..
marilah boycott bodyshop pahni...
go chepu go!
yup..mari same2 kite teruskan usaha memboikot~
sbnrnyer chep pon x sure sgt psl adidas nie..thn lps xde dlm list..tibe2 thn ni ade plak..kene kaji wat masa nie..elak dr beli dulu.. (memboikot tanpa mengkaji~ish..ish..)
ya em hoho...
teman setaste ku..
ye...pasni kite x beli dah...
yg dah beli tue, jgn buang plak~hehe...
ade sebotol yg kite kne kongsi tu cmne ekkk?
blog hopping ;p
bycott lah itu susu pekat tea pot F&N
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